
So you think you can become an Observer?

The Observers are central to the function of the group and the IAM. They provide the support, knowledge and skills to new Associate Members in order that they may also pass their Advanced Driving Test. These people are normally grouped into teams overseen by the Group Team Leader or Senior Observer, who allocates the Associates to an Observer. This Observer will coach the Associate on The Advanced System up to test standard. A mock test is normal prior to taking the Advanced Test. The test itself will be taken by a qualified Police Officer and lasts approximately 90 minutes.

These Observers like all Committee members are volunteers and do not get paid for their time and involvement during the course of their duties.

The IAM has several tiers of Observers under current practices, these are:

·  National Observer > All our observers are accredited by the IMI (Institute of the Motor Industry) They are someone who has undertaken further training. He or she is someone who demonstrates a high level of skill and knowledge in Advanced Driving Techniques and is capable of explaining The Advanced System to the highest level. This person is retested regularly by the IAM regional quality manager to maintain their accreditation to the institute

· Trainee Observer > Someone who will have completed basic training based on that detailed in the Observer Training Manual. The Trainee will be required complete the IMI accreditation process prior to them being allocated a an associate. A National Observer will accompany then on their first drives

This system ensures Associate candidates receive the highest quality training available within each Group or organisation. Further details are available from your group.