
Why should I join anyway?

Well, apart from the sheer thrill of it, there are some tangible benefits to membership of the IAM:

  • According to the incident statistics, IAM members are approximately 75% less likely to be involved in an incident.
  • Reduced fuel consumption for the same progress – 10% is not unachievable.
  • Reduced wear and tear on the car – you can make a clutch last 120,000 miles!
  • Smoother and slicker progress.
  • You will be less stressed whilst driving.
  • Your passengers will also be less stressed.
  • You are giving to charity – both the IAM itself and its local groups are registered charities.
  • The knowledge of achieving something only 0.25% of the population has also achieved.
  • Insurance scheme for young drivers – IAM Advanced Drivers aged 19 or over driving a low-grouped car can benefit from reduced car insurance.

So what does the Newcastle Group offer me?

  • FREE guidance by our Observers up to the pass standard required for the IAM Advanced driving test.
  • Observed runs covers cars and commercial vehicles.
  • Local events.
  • Newsletters.
  • Website Information.
  • Access to help and advice on aspects of motoring.